Five Ways To Prepare For A Successful Surgery

Preparing both your body and mind for your upcoming surgery has been highly recommended by health professionals for decades. It’s something we’ve been helping with and advocating for years - and thankfully, the last decade has seen a massive jump in research to support the benefits and importance of prehabilitation (preparation for surgery) as well as perioperative care (support and care throughout the entire process - for weeks or months before and after the surgery). Here’s what you should know:

  • Prehabilitation in all its forms leads to an improved functional capacity, improved nutritional and mental status, a reduction in the rate of complications, a faster recovery, a reduced length of stay in the hospital, an improved quality of life, and potentially a reduction in costs for the person having the procedure.1
  • Psychological preparation is shown to have benefits for reducing postoperative pain, a person’s behavioural recovery, and reducing the length of their hospital stay.2

  • Good education (meaning you get the information you need, and have your questions answered) as you prepare for surgery helps improve your satisfaction with your surgery, helps alleviate your anxiety, and improves your overall quality of care.3

We could go on with more research and evidence, but the point is that taking the time to prepare for surgery can change your experience of it and your outcomes. So, how can you leverage the research and information available to you to best prepare for your upcoming surgery? Here are five ways.

1. Manage Any Iron Deficiency (Anaemia)

1.2 billion people around the world have iron deficiency anaemia - and another 2.4 billion are estimated to be iron deficient, even if they’re not diagnosed as being anaemic. 4 This is important because the iron levels in your body are confirmed to have a significant effect on your outcomes from surgery that affects nearly all groups of people, being an independent risk factor for poor clinical outcomes regardless of whether you have an elective (chosen) or non-elective (medically necessary) surgery. 5

So what can you do? Request a blood test (if you haven’t had one already) to check your iron levels, and if they’re out of the normal range, make a plan with your doctor to help raise your levels, whether that’s through your diet, supplements or an iron infusion. Have your levels re-tested before your procedure to help ensure they’re in the normal range, or headed that way.

2. Build Physical Strength and Mobility with Prehabilitation

Prehabilitation (pre-surgical rehabilitation), is a powerful way to enhance your body’s readiness for surgery. It involves focusing on exercises that strengthen your key muscle groups (particularly around the area you’re having surgery on), improving your overall flexibility, and helping promote your joint stability. Doing all these things will allow your body to physically better tolerate the surgical process while helping you recover faster (and optimally) afterwards.

For example, patients undergoing total knee or hip replacement benefit significantly from targeted strengthening of muscles like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Prehabilitation can also include low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, or walking to improve your overall endurance and mobility.

What can you do? Start with a consultation with a podiatrist who specialises in perioperative care, surgical preparation and recovery. Ideally, for the specific surgeries and surgical areas you’re having. At Merivale Podiatry, our podiatrists specialise in helping our patients build strength and resilience through customised prehabilitation programs and work with many surgeons in the area to improve the outcomes of their patients.

3. Understand Your Surgical Plan and Recovery Timeline

Knowledge and being fully informed (as per your legal rights here in New Zealand) are among the most empowering tools you can have before surgery. Seriously. Understanding what your procedure involves, what to expect during recovery, any potential side effects and how to mitigate them, and how long it could take to reach the key milestones you want can reduce your uncertainty and anxiety, giving you confidence as you approach your surgery day.

Work closely with your surgical team (which should include a podiatrist if you’re having orthopaedic surgery) to clarify every aspect of your care, including activities you cannot be doing during your recovery (post-op restrictions), the expected levels of pain, and any follow-up requirements and must-do’s. Our podiatry team will, of course, be here to help you understand how the procedure will impact your mobility, and provide insights into the best recovery strategies for your specific circumstances. It’s important to us that you feel prepared and confident about your procedure.

4. Look At Your Overall Health - Smoking, Nutrition and More

Your overall health is also absolutely instrumental for your surgical readiness. Managing your weight, controlling chronic conditions like diabetes, and quitting smoking are all critical factors that are proven to influence your recovery. 

  • Tobacco smokers are at significantly higher risk than non-smokers for post-surgical complications, including impaired heart and lung functions, infections and delayed or impaired wound healing. The World Health Organisation has a lot of information and research on this. The good news here is that every tobacco-free week after 4 weeks improves health outcomes by 19% due to improved blood flow throughout the body to essential organs.6

  • With orthopaedic surgeries, carrying excess weight can place additional stress on joints and slow the healing process.

  • A balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals best supports tissue repair and reduces inflammation. Foods like lean meats, fish, nuts, leafy greens, and whole grains can give your body the nutrients it needs to recover effectively.

In addition to physical preparation, don’t overlook your mental well-being. Stress and anxiety can negatively affect recovery, so take steps to manage them before surgery. Practices like meditation, breathing exercises, or even talking through concerns with your healthcare provider can make a big difference.

5. Optimise Your Footwear and Supportive Devices For Orthopaedic Procedures

Footwear and supportive devices can truly play a critical role in a person’s recovery after lower-limb surgeries. Post-operative shoes, custom foot orthotics, and bracing (where needed and beneficial) can all significantly reduce strain on surgical sites, promote proper lower limb alignment, and enhance a person’s overall comfort during rehabilitation and recovery after surgery.

Our podiatrists help our surgical patients ensure they’re in the right shoes and create custom foot orthotics that sit in their shoes to support their foot and ankle biomechanics. This often results in several effects, from better stability and support to improved comfort and greater protection for the surgical site from undue pressure or strain during the healing process (which may otherwise interfere with healing).

Here at Merivale Podiatry, we’re dedicated to helping our patients achieve the best results possible from their scheduled surgeries through prehabilitation programs, exceptional post-operative care, and helpful, supportive, evidence-based guidance. If you’re preparing for orthopaedic surgery, reach out to our team by calling us on 03 355 9481 or booking your appointment online here.


1 – Prehabilitation, making patients fit for surgery – a new frontier in perioperative care

2 Psychological preparation and postoperative outcomes for adults undergoing surgery under general anaesthesia

3 Bridging the gap: evaluation of preoperative patients’ education by comparing expectations and real-perioperative surgical experiences: a mixed-methods descriptive cross-sectional study

4 Iron deficiency without anaemia: a diagnosis that matters

5 Perioperative iron deficiency anaemia

6 Smoking greatly increases risk of complications after surgery