How To Cure Dry Feet & Cracked Heels At Home

It’s easy to live with dry, rough and flaky skin for so long, that it almost starts to feel normal. But let us make it clear as podiatrists, having chronically dry skin is not normal. From that hard almost ‘numb’ feeling across the heels, to having the skin catch on socks and hosiery as you slip them on or take them off - these are not feelings that you should get used to or accept as your ‘standard’. The good news is that dry skin, calluses and cracked heels are very treatable - you just need to know the right steps to take. Here’s what we’d do today, as podiatrists, if we currently had dry feet and cracked heels and wanted to start treating them at home.

First: What Causes Cracked Heels And Skin Dryness?

When we talk about cracked heels, we’re describing the cracks of various sizes that can develop in the thick callus that builds up around the heels. A callus is a thickened protective layer of dead skin that develops when the skin is repeatedly exposed to excess pressure or friction. Often, this is from something as simple as walking, standing for long periods at work, and the like. Your body doesn’t want your skin to break when it comes under pressure, so it instinctively reacts to create natural reinforcement (thickening) and protection. Handy, right?

You may have had experiences with callus in the past where it has built up to be quite prominent but has still remained quite moist and supple. Unfortunately, in some cases, the callus and skin dries out, becoming a lot more firm, rigid and inflexible. These are typically the conditions in which cracks occur, and is when you can get all-over skin dryness, too. Dryness can be contributed to by:

  • Frequent exposure to hot, dry air - such as from heating, air conditioning or being in hot climates
  • Frequent long, hot showers or baths can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness.
  • Soaps and other skincare products that contain harsh chemicals can remove natural oils from the skin, contributing to dryness.
  • Aging, as the skin naturally becomes drier with age due to a decrease in the oil glands' activity, which affects the skin's ability to retain moisture.
  • Certain conditions like eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, and thyroid disorders can cause dry skin. Additionally, skin conditions specifically affecting the feet, like athlete's foot, can also result in dryness.
  • Not consuming enough fluids can lead to dehydration, which, in turn, affects the skin's ability to retain moisture.
  • Shoes that do not fit well or that expose the feet to air (like sandals or open-toed shoes) can lead to dry skin due to lack of protection and increased exposure.

Why Are Cracked Heels And Dry Skin Such A Problem?

It’s likely that you’ve already experienced the discomfort that comes with cracked heels. But did you know that they can also cause significant pain for some people? While small cracks only affect the callus which is hard, dead and painless skin, severe cracks may actually extend beyond the callus to crack ‘open’ the healthy living skin beneath. This can be extremely painful, and is often accompanied by bleeding from within the cracks. With a break in the skin comes the risk for infection, especially when the deeper cracks can accumulate dirt and bacteria, and can be difficult to clean.

Cracked heels can also be a notable problem for high risk groups such as those with diabetes which impairs your ability to detect pain and heal wounds. This can leave you vulnerable to not being able to feel a deep crack, so you don’t know that you need to care for the wound and help it heal.Why Are Cracked Heels And Dry Skin Such A Problem?

Treating Cracked Heels And Dry Skin At Home

It is very much possible to manage cracked heels and dry skin at home. It just involves three key things: consistency, which means ensuring you take the right measures to care for your feet every day, the right products, and the right starting base.

Podiatrist Recommended Products

As podiatrists, the products we use on ourselves and our families to help maintain soft and supple skin, prevent dryness and cracking, and help transform skin back to a smooth and soft state includes:

  • Gehwol Cracked Skin Salve
  • This salve is great for healing and soothing cracked heels and severely dry skin. It contains natural ingredients like lanolin and vaseline which create a protective barrier on the skin. This barrier not only locks in moisture but also allows the skin to heal without further irritation. Essential oils in the salve can help reduce inflammation and promote skin repair. You just apply it to clean, dry feet, focusing on the cracked areas. Our personal tip is to apply it after your shower before bed, and to put socks on after to help maintain the moisture on your feet.

  • Gehwol Callus Cream
  • For thick calluses, Gehwol Callus Cream is made with urea, which is a powerful moisturiser that helps to soften hard skin and calluses, making them easier to reduce. It also contains glycerin, which enhances the skin’s ability to retain moisture. Using this callus cream daily will gradually help soften the skin on your heels and feet, making calluses more manageable. 

  • Lipidro Cream
  • Lipidro Cream is perfect for maintaining the balance of moisture in the skin. It’s made with ingredients like urea and sea buckthorn oil, which provide essential fatty acids to help improve the skin’s barrier function. This means it not only moisturises the skin but also protects against moisture loss. This cream is ideal for daily use to prevent dryness from becoming a more severe problem.

  • Spirularin Skin Gel
  • Spirularin Skin Gel is designed to tackle very dry and sensitive skin by providing deep hydration and enhancing the skin's natural barrier. One of its key components is microalgae extract, known for its antioxidant properties, which helps protect skin from environmental damage while soothing it. This gel is also good for those with skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, as it supports the skin's own repair mechanisms.

  • Smelly feet too? Try Gran's Remedy
  • If your dry skin issues are accompanied by an unpleasant foot odour, then Gran's Remedy will be an excellent addition to your foot care routine. It contains natural antibacterial and antifungal ingredients that target and neutralise the bacteria that are responsible for creating those unpleasant foot smells. Sprinkle the powder in your shoes daily. It helps in reducing odour and also absorbs excess moisture, which can contribute to both odour and dry skin. 

    Skin And Nail Care Appointment: Starting With The Right Foot Base

    By the time the callus around your heels has thickened significantly, dried and cracked, you may need to have the excess callus professionally removed. This will bring your skin down to a smoother and softer  baseline that you can then more easily maintain to help prevent the problem from recurring.

    Removing the callus and cracks is done safely and effectively by our podiatrists in one appointment - so you walk out feeling lighter and more comfortable on your feet. During this appointment, we’ll carefully debride the hard skin by hand, using safe and sterile medical instruments (plus our years of expertise) to remove the ‘problem’ excess skin but leaving the right amount of natural protection. We then use a small sanding disc to smooth the skin, getting rid of any uneven ridges - and stop that snagging on your socks.

    Through the appointment, we’ll check your heels for any underlying problems or infections that have occurred as a result of the cracks, treating these too. We’ll also discuss the likely factors contributing to the cracks, and can offer solutions to reduce the likelihood of the cracks returning. We can also show you the products we’ve recommended here, and go over the ways that we use them to best help support your skin.

    To book an appointment with our experienced podiatry team, call us on 03 355 9481, book online, or email our reception team.